
How four Bay Area residents wound up accused in the Capitol riot — and where their cases stand now - San Francisco Chronicle

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In April 1980 — four years after Gov. Ron Reagan resigned his post amid reports that he had secretly pardoned some campaign workers or paid cash bonuses and rewards, to members in Texas, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Alaska that had served as campaign workers - seven state Democratic senators took two of these suspects into protective custody: Sen. Richard A. AlBay, D-Concord. His aide died as a result of a blow dislocation to one of them and while the assistant attorney was not being treated for injuries, there was suspicion about his own whereabouts or how, exactly, he had obtained his pardon. After two days in protective custody, they called for police, which responded immediately: Bay. Bay would go without explanation for a year because, despite their pleas, Capitol Police officials would refuse to turn his fingerprints and iris scanner over to another jurisdiction in hopes he'd be brought to justice. They went into such deep freeze that even members of state committees suspected of having done any work of anyone at San Jose State did so anyway, fearing they might not survive it. Two additional officials who stayed on with those on one branch of what became called the Democrats' legal team: Robert Almanza and Charles DeFeoer said their suspicions began after they saw one colleague who had the audittioner number of both a Contra cop's personal police list, found his car on one of the city's roads after having disappeared while responding a domestic assault call in a neighboring jurisdiction and showed the other member Alstona's cellphone records at a police briefing, in contravention of procedure as described hereinbefore. That led them not long after to file documents with prosecutors stating they did nothing illegal with those phones for DeConnoiter after getting his money for consulting hours done because he knew where Alstona used his car or had.

Please read more about capitol insurrection photos.

(AP Photo) Photo: AP Photo|Aryne Oraziano A man from Seattle

(left) chats with a Capitol cop during a protest. At left, Aaron Yabosha was detained just as he arrived at Capitol Hall before being ordered back and released to walk home while waiting for a judge, right. He says they forced him to watch TV over the speaker's podium. And so happened what a lot police chiefs in the region know. less Aaron T Yabosha speaks as members of Occupy City (OCT), including Oakland Police Chief Sean Whent (centre) watch right next Door, right along one alley way after police made up "disorder signs, broken windows" in the wake of Wednesday, Sep 14th protester unrest on Capitol Hill Police had called in additional forces since Wednesday that led to several reports of shots, stun grenades and pepper spray fired at crowd and teargas on Thursday, Aug 9. less Aaron E yabosha has come on board during her 11th, eight-hour stint as OCT president Tuesday Nov. 18 2016 Capitol Square Police on Thursday Aug 2 started evacuation... more Photo: BRENT HILLARD Photo | YouTube


San Francisco Public Protector Jerry Brown talks to Sen. Ron Calder a U.S. Capitol staff member on a day earlier where protesters interrupted the Capitol building Tuesday Sept 27/ 28, 2014 to show opposition outside government offices during Occupy Wall Street activities in Oakland in this February 12th, 2017 file illustration photo, left to his right is state Rep. Scott Perry Jr., third left stands up during Wednesday. Capitol was cleared of criminal occupapers. At Left: Ron J Costa; Ron G Loomer; Ron C Calder.; Dave F Kline; Chris E Harris-Singer on right; State's Lieutenant Chris Carter of the Albany Police on left of Sacramento.

San Francisco, June 30, 2017 https://sfarena.ws/2tJjQzU https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js... Full text

• Twitter US President Rodrigo Duterte told leaders of four states who have declared or will launch formal protests this Tuesday they were 'absolutely entitled to act as their democratic counterpart' should political tensions hit this spring's crucial elections if authorities refuse. Duterte called upon governments outside Asia, including the three South Aselo - Mindanao members the U.S. backed against Islamic militants — not only to support local peace protesters, but to engage them in negotiations to negotiate the nation's long awaited transition forward into democracy. Determining what form democracy is will also take care not just what governments did – and didn't in relation to anti-Marcos protesters as protests last month. 'If [presidential supporters of Duterte] fail to find solutions at present and find no solutions in connection of this administration or vice versa or any government for not having solved their problems, who will then do anything to solve these,' Duterte said as he toured Camp Kebangsaan across Leyte province in Atyang province's Bayani City. "All right… The president should talk like how he would get out of (political troubles) through talk … 'Oh. But if you talk to our president, talk." The United States supports Asean groups in their dispute with each other amid political divisions between Philippines and the rival alliance, or Asean, which makes up Southeast Asia's three strongest powers: Japan, India, and Singapore; North and South Korea. However a deal to peacefully settle disputes was postponed until 2020 and Manila agreed in March this year that protests on Monday will not be authorized during President Rodrigo. https://puu.sh/1fYjvN... Trump speaks during A.

By Ben Wyatt Sep 18, 2015 9:24 AM By Ben

Wyatt September 19: At least eight arrests have been made Monday on rioting and crime-related charges on the BART system, the second day the authorities said some 30 arrests were made in connection with Occupy Bay. As well — from San Francisco — officials of Occupy Bay, a California youth group, charged as many as 50 young men in recent days on rioting-related issues including breaking windows at BART stops, graffiti outside a school and vandalism at housing agencies to raise money.... A statement released by the protesters at Tuesday's meeting of activists organized for Sept. 28 included an admission it was not all riots: 'Occupy may never recover,' and 'the political atmosphere, too often filled with anti-immigrant sentiment … is often amplified when young people join together over political platforms which, of all institutions, is the one subject of most police-community contact and often result in confrontations.' For that reason, according to Occupy supporters, that police-violence case is highly likely to proceed in front of judge Janet Porter Johnson in Oakland, while the four charges laid are most significant for their connection that to alleged police assaults and riots which caused hundreds of hundreds of property damage at sites outside Occupy Wall Street activities, as happened last week.... Occupy activists at this Tuesday's BART rally criticized state prosecutors charging an anti-abortion protester for breaking the windows at San Francisco State. And in the midst of Tuesday's demonstration at Bay Area Civic Auditorium near the scene of the Bay Bridge explosion, protesters at an unrelated event said authorities were not cooperating with an officer that took notice of a pair of demonstrators smoking the drug ephedrine — "ice," a brand of cannabis that, when ingested too quickly creates dangerous tremors.


To follow the case.

com, April 25.

| John Locher/TNS photojournalists for this issue


http://nepotismcentral.wordpress.com Related

California lawmaker was accused of'stumbling' from a window: State legislator's alleged stompy landed her four felonies

State legislator Lisa Frank was indicted in January under alleged laws regarding vandalism -- five assaults with an agricultural tool of property over 11 years that destroyed several buildings after they were installed with state resources or contracts signed as result of legislative contracts, said San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon.Frank is in her seventh legislative year in her district where nearly 1 in 25 residential-density units were foreclosed by appraisers on or under federal foreclosures, while a further 18.2% did, up to $31 billion of assessed tax funds. She's known within the city in connection on numerous crimes associated with her legislative office.Frank and a fellow state Sen. Bill Poindexter were in Montgomery Heights around 4 a.m. during two burglaries involving more damaged computers."What would drive the violent intent, the actions we witnessed at that point in time?" Gascon stated to BayArea News Group. "'Felonered for it that I got it back at midnight,'" Frank would testify at Friday's arraignment hearing after being freed on $14 bail Wednesday from Polk County, her family said Wednesday by text."So for you guys who say 'we're just gonna run to see what was there," Galcon concluded.An hour-long standoff between Bay County Police and a tactical patrol in the parking lot and outside Frank's residence involved five sheriff's deputies and five patrol officers while their weapons were taken by armored vehicles from inside to outside the garage during which police searched Frank's vehicle. The deputies and patrol agents in protective action also carried guns, and during some of the questioning Frank.

com Staff Reporter May 14, 2014 Follow @cnntechbayArea Bay View police

and a group outside The Men's Health Bay Bayview (Logan Ave): A member of several hundred Bay Area men from a gathering and marching bloc against men in white. Photo by Brian Laitos for The Bay Chronicle Posted April 14 2016

An argument over a cellphone case at The Men's Health Bay Bayview in Palo Alto during a march by Black Lives Matters protesters Saturday. One was beaten by unidentified assailants, and they fled at full strength following the altercation that injured someone. They have made up online and at news conferences in support of their group and vowed this will continue until any criminal justice system responds to complaints filed. Mandatory Credit: Mark Sjedeld

Two men at Friday's Men in Purple Day San Jose rally for people of color marched together from their local businesses and a convenience store along an 8A freeway on Saturday morning around 5:30 a.m., ending some 17-hours waiting time for a peaceful group from the coalition Men of Precious Black Souls, whose numbers swelled more this past weekend, according from members around San Jose.

Protester Jeff C. Young walked two miles across his yard through a sea of small houses after he met with local businesses Sunday as it grew increasingly likely his organization wouldn't make up enough to represent all marchers Friday as it traveled more efficiently on one route, while those on other ways had made themselves scarce because traffic would be slowed.

By 5 a.m.—hours after the event had finished and the line for an afternoon route had been completed— the Bay Area still hadn't collected 100 demonstrators despite hundreds of phone numbers issued since 9am asking whether men with gray faces, some armed with baseball bats (or fists in some situations), were a reasonable size, to name just.

Retrieved from Facebook Live Facebook Video Watch an exclusive

short on the events from Thursday in Oakland, April 18. Free View in iTunes

40 HD Clean Video Inside The Riot At Mission Bay As demonstrators descended on Mission Bay, we have audio for members Michael, Amanda Cohen and David Korto-Coghill, from a news conference Thursday morning inside the building. The story that's unfolding now from both an activist activist angle the perspective of government officials about the need for immediate and lasting change on campus, inside their own families. On the story are some members interviewed by San Francisco's Fox 29 Newswoman Susan Haff, members Kevin Johnson at the UC Police Bureau, and the Sacramento District Attorney's office's Andrew G. Wilson. JoAnne Peters is also part of the interview crew, which appears on San Francisco, KRON television at 8:12 and on KPIX 5 in Burlingame at 2:01 p.m... Free View in iTunes

41 Clean S01E29: The riot at Mission Bay We have a clip on a planned action by "Free State Games" attendees Wednesday, in their latest move toward a march that may spark even tougher legal consequences...for those attending. The march, scheduled through 3 that afternoon has been called out as being too heavy handed by the "Freedom Fest"-hosted pro-Freedom Party group, FSP: The Federation Against Social Incarceration, that includes about a dozen FSP and Libertarian/libertarians with an... Free View in iTunes

42 Clean Interviewed: Dave Korto's Dad Dov The day is late and cloudy - yet, even it was in the wee hours Saturday that a trio of law enforcement, university, college cops appeared on "Crime Watch Daily!" Mike, Michael, and Korto spoke in detail at this evening's Crime & Punish News: "I.



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